Sadness & Depression

God (God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ & God the Holy Spirit) inspired me to write this piece with my personal experiences with sadness and depression, so that those who are struggling with feelings of sadness or depression can know what the root of their problem is,
also what the solution is to the problem. Medication and therapy do not address the root of the problem, they only suppress the problem, which is essentially a ticking time bomb if we do not address the root of the problem. With that being said, let's take a closer look at the root of the problem that causes sadness and depression.

Depression and sadness are results of ignorance, the daily necessary tasks that we do and the things that we do for your own pleasure. Such as housekeeping, jobs, studying, playing music, sports, relationships, pets, mourning for  loved ones, alcohol, smoking, sex, pornography, masturbating, drugs, television, video games, social media such as Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Twitter (X), etc. Some things are good at first glance, others are downright bad. We have become experts in finding excuses to keep doing them anyway.
We all need healing, we all need Jesus, He is the only one that can bring healing.

The root of the problem is who you do your daily things for.
The root problem of sadness and depression is doing the daily things for yourself or someone other than God. God loves it when you do your daily things for Him instead of doing them for yourself, all the things that we do must glorify God, such as housekeeping, jobs, studying, playing music, sports, relationships, etc. This insight also gives you the solution to be free from the bondage of sadness and depression. The truth is when you don't have God in your life, you have a void within you, we try to fill this void, knowingly or unknowingly with the daily things we do. The void is your spirit crying and longing for God, if you fill the void with the wrong things or for the wrong reasons you have invited sadness and depression into your life. Trying to fill the void with the wrong things is also the reason why we have become experts in finding excuses to keep doing the wrong things. What exactly do I mean by this, let me clarify this.

God is the creator of the universe, the stars, the sun, the moon, the heavens, the earth and everything in it, including humans. God has given us a body, soul and a human spirit, human beings have a sinful nature, and our souls are tainted with sin that leads to sadness and depression. The spirit is the element in humanity that gives us the ability to have an intimate relationship with God, who Himself is spirit. The soul, as with the spirit, is the center of many spiritual and emotional experiences. When you understand that the soul has a sinful nature then you also know that your sadness and depression comes from living on a soul level instead of on a spiritual level with God, in other words not having God in your life is the root problem of your sadness and depression.

Doing God's will is the only permanent remedy for sadness and depression. If you do not yet believe in God, you can use the power of your free will to start believing. Believing is a choice without necessarily having proof or evidence.
When you believe and what you believed for  becomes reality, God also becomes reality to you. Everyone has the free will to start believing in God, this is the most important choice you will make in your life. Jesus can heal any sickness and any disease if you allow Him to heal you.

What Is God's Will For You?

God wants you to repent from your sins, believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of God the Son Jesus Christ, and that you are consciously baptized in water, so that you receive salvation (deliverance, healing, well-being, eternal life). It seals believers with the Holy Spirit. God also wants you to love Him wholeheartedly, with your entire being and that you love others as you love yourself. We are commanded to share this good news with everyone we meet in our lives who is willing to listen. If you do all these things, it will be impossible for you to suffer from sadness and depression ever again.

There Is A Clear Difference Between Happiness And Joy!

There is a clear difference between happiness and joy. Happiness has an expiration date (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years), Joy, on the other hand, has no expiration date and is permanent. Happiness can be found in the physical world in the form of a new car, a house, a victory, the birth of a child, a marriage, sex, partying, winning the big ticket, etc. Joy can only be found in God Jesus Christ, it is impossible to have joy in your life without God Jesus Christ. Joy is connected to the Truth, The Truth is revealed only by God Jesus, He is The Truth, The Way and The Light. Without God Jesus we do not know The Truth, we do not know The Way that we must follow because we do not have The Light. All the problems in a person's life, whether physical, mental, financial, material, spiritual, and even death, come from the fact that a person does not know The Truth, does not have The Light, and cannot find The Way. Every problem you run into, no matter how hopeless it may seem (even death), can and will be solved when you accept God Jesus and acknowledge that you need Him. God Jesus is the only one who wants and can help everyone, He gives eternal life to everyone who believes in Him and follows Him.

Love Is…

Patient and kind
Does not envy
Is not proud
Honors others
Does not get angry
Rejoices in truth
Protects and trust
Always hopes
Love never fails

What Do I believe?

I believe that God exists in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that these three are one. God is without beginning or end, is not created Himself but the Creator of everything. I believe that the Son became man in the person of Jesus Christ, born of a virgin. I believe that Jesus came to earth to restore the relationship between God and man broken by sin and that He is the only way to do so. I believe that Jesus lived a perfectly sinless life in our place, died on the cross and rose from the dead. I believe that Jesus is alive and that He will return to earth as He has promised. I believe that God wants to dwell in man through his Spirit. This indwelling enables man to produce spiritual fruit in character and to grow spiritually. I believe that the Holy Spirit wants to give every believer everything that is necessary to live a life of service to God and people. I believe that God created man in his image, as male and female. I believe that God loves all people and that He desires to have a personal relationship with every person. I believe that we humans are naturally separate and alienated from God through sin and therefore miss His purpose for our lives. I believe that the broken relationship between God and people is restored by grace on God's part, but is only restored on our part if we choose to do so by believing in Jesus Christ and repenting of sin. I believe that we must be baptized in water and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit in order to live life as intended by God. We believe in life after death and that we will spend eternity with God (heaven) or separated from God (hell) depending on whether or not we accept Christ during our life on earth. I believe that the Bible in its original language was inspired by God to people and is therefore infallible, with the highest authority in all matters of faith and life.